Sunday 7 December 2014

A Wish Come True - Cheetah Hunt at Masai Mara

The rolling grasslands dressed in a golden hue, swaying in the gentle breeze. Spread across the wide  expanse of the Savannahs, interspersed with a few Acacia trees.  This was the Masai Mara landscape, where we had already spent five days in September  of 2012.   
The wide expanse of Masai Mara grassland with a few Acacia trees at dusk.
We had seen an abundance of wildlife - lions, cheetahs, leopards, elephants, wildebeests, zebras, topis, gazelles, giraffes, white rhinos, hippos,  bat-eared foxes, hyenas, numerous birds of different colors, shapes, and sizes, the list could go on.   During our stay, we were also fortunate to see two cheetah hunts.   My first experience of such a hunt in the wild.  It was educative, exciting and exhilarating.

Cheetahs typically hunt gazelles, impalas, young wildebeest and zebras.  All these animals live in herds, and are on a constant look-out for any approaching danger.   Cheetahs often isolate their prey,  picking one of the younger beast in a herd, or one that has moved away from the herd.   Once the  prey is isolated,  it moves slowly, stealthily, towards the unsuspecting creature. When the cheetah is close enough, it sprints with lightening speed, trips the animal with it’s fore-paws and goes for the neck, biting firmly, not letting go  the struggling creature.
A small herd of Zebras.

Cheetahs have poor night vision.  They hunt by sight, not by smell. Therefore, unlike other big cats they are diurnal. They hunt early mornings or late afternoons, using  the usual hunting tricks of  hunters.   They move low in the grass, keeping themselves pretty well hidden.  Their colour and spots aid in camouflaging them well. Their approach is from downwind, to ensure the prey does not get their scent.   If they do, they are sure to bolt.  

Cheetahs look for mounds or small ant  hills  in the undulating terrain, to help them get better cover and viewing position, in their search for prey.  They are the fastest land animal, capable of short bursts of speed, reaching approximately 110 kmph in a few seconds.   They tire easily after a short run at such speeds, and have to rest after each chase.  Hence the need to get quite close to the prey.   Their success rate is one in every ten hunts. 
A cheetah's vantage point- a small mound from where she can survey the area searching for prey.
September 10, 2012 - It was our last day at Masai Mara.  What better way to say adios to the  beautiful Masai Mara, than to witness another hunt.  So boldly I told our guide,  “Hey,  Wilson, I want to see a cheetah hunt today.  Its   our last day at Mara, you know”.   He looked at me in disbelief, and said,  “You have seen two hunts already.  Most people are happy and lucky to see one”.   I smiled and replied,  “Well Wilson,  I really want to see another hunt, and I know you are going to show me one, before I leave”.   He smiled, but shook his head at my audacity.   I smiled back in hope, and let it pass.  We continued our safari.

A little while later, he called out  to our group:  “Look, look, there, a cheetah.”  Straining my eyes, I did see in the tall grass a small blur,  at a distance.   She was blending in so beautifully,  it was difficult to spot her at first.   Once spotted,  I kept  my eyes locked on her.

There in the distance, in the direction pointed out by our guide Wilson, I spotted a small blur.
She  was moving slowly, softly, stealthily, keeping herself well hidden in the tall grass.  We realized she was searching for prey.
Keeping herself well hidden in the tall grass, she was searching for prey.
From her vantage point, she spotted a lone gazelle. She was watching from a downwind position, and hence her scent did not carry. 

The gazelle was unaware she was being watched. 
The poor gazelle, looked around, but was unaware of the cheetah's presence.  She sat down to answer nature’s call.  After relieving herself, she moved away.
The unsuspecting gazelle sat down to answer nature's call ......
..... and having finished, slowly moved away.
The cheetah from her vantage point,  looked to the left, looked to   the right, surveying the area in preparation for her next move. 
The cheetah continued to survey the area, while keenly watching her prey ....
She moved forward, slowly and stealthily  getting closer and closer to her prey, all the time watchful of other predators.
.... slowly and stealthily she started moving forward, getting closer and closer.

Once she felt she was close enough, she sprung forward with lightening speed!
Once she felt she was close enough ....
With her   feet hardly   touching    the  ground,    running  with a burst of speed,   she reached the gazelle within striking distance, in less than a minute.
.... she sprung into action at lightening speed ....

.... she sprinted forward ....
.... with her feet hardly touching the ground.
 With a final leap, she captured the gazelle and dug her canines into the gazelle's neck. 
With a final lunge ....
I missed the shot when she first caught the gazelle.  It all happened so fast.  The speed, the excitement, the thrill of seeing my wish come true.
..... she grabbed the gazelle's neck and sunk her canines ..... 
Once she had captured her prey, she sat down and would not let go.  The hapless gazelle hung listless, her life slowly ebbing away.
.... gripping the neck tight, unwavering, till the gazelle's life ebbed away
Cheetahs are among the smallest of the big cats, and have to be wary of other bigger cats, relieving them of their kill.  Lions, leopards,  or even scavengers like the hyenas can rob them of their food.  Sometimes, cheetahs do not even wait for the  prey to be dead, before they start eating.   Once they finish eating, they do not go back to the kill.
Before feasting on her prize, seated she looks around ....
Before feasting on her prize, she is careful, and looks around to see if there are any predators around.
.... sits up and looks around ... 

....  sees a shrub near by ....
She sees a shrub nearby.  Not wanting to take a chance, decides to move her kill behind the shrub to provide some kind of a protection or hideout, before sitting down to enjoy her meal.
.... and decides to move her prize, before indulging herself.

My wish of witnessing another cheetah hunt before leaving Mara  came true.  When you really wish for something,  chances of that wish being granted are quite high!  


  1. This the real life of nature...I feel like I am watching a documentary on TV...True African colors and action in this story!!! The moment was precise and fantastic,I can imagine...
    I love the way you have caught this Cheetah stalking.The sprint was short and obviously the Gazelle had no chance to escape. Impressive scene with a prey without any chance...Great timing to immortalize dead and life struggle in the African Savanna.So sorry for the Antelope, but the hunters need to eat...Congrats for such a nice presentation again and another one of my dreams come true,thru your eyes...

    1. Thank you so much Agis, for your encouraging comments. Wishing your dreams come true soon, thru your eyes too.

  2. I could easily visualize the hunt, thanks to your vivid description. The well-captured photos add so much to your story. Good blogging....


    1. Thank you for your appreciative comments, Vijay. Glad you enjoyed the blog.


  3. Very well written Sheila, with magnificent pictures to accompany your experience! Beautiful capture by Cheetah and Photographer! :)

    1. Thank you so much Zena, for appreciating both my story and my pictures. It was an exciting and memorable experience. Hope you can join me next time :)

  4. Finally got around to reading your post A. Sheila, and WOW! So well written and documented with the photographs! I am truly amazed by your photography skills, and now, by your writing skills, and that you've pursued your passion for photography and travel. - Renita
